Supplier financial risk in China calls for increased scrutiny. Now is the time to proactively leverage tools like the FRISK® score to conduct objective audits of your prospective and existing suppliers as supply chains restructure.
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

Sentiment data, farmed from leading credit managers who subscribe to our service, is pointing to extreme bankruptcy risk in a growing list of leading oil and gas giants.

If you work in the volatile oil and gas industry, not a single day should go by where you do not have a read on corporate credit risk. It could save your company millions in the long run.

The senior housing industry reported a significant share of the coronavirus illness cases, causing a collapse in occupancy. A considerable population decline in assisted living facilities could deliver a slew of corporate bankruptcies in the coming year.

CreditRiskMonitor warned of the increased bankruptcy risk at newspaper owner McClatchy Company for more than a year before their Chapter 11 filing in February 2020. Yet McClatchy Company is not an isolated case and risk professionals should be monitoring other news provider outlets closely.

The COVID-19 pandemic swiftly delivered hundreds of bankruptcy filings in 2020. Here in 2022, geopolitical tensions, supply chain challenges, and tightening credit conditions could lead to a similar devastating outcome.

Stage Stores Inc. is nearly 10 times more likely to face bankruptcy by this time next summer than the typical public company.

Public and private companies need to be proactively evaluated in distinct, different ways by risk management professionals - fortunately, with the FRISK® score and PAYCE® score, CreditRiskMonitor has world-class solutions for both subportfolios.

CreditRiskMonitor offers up five quick and important facts that you need to know about China Evergrande Group right now to make a more solid business evaluation – or, more advisable, even an alteration of credit extension or a pivot to a peer.