90% accuracy in predicting private company bankruptcies and consistent scoring methodology across ALL your corporate counterparties.
Our new Confidential Financials Portal provides users with the ability to conduct apples-to-apples risk comparisons between their private and public counterparties with industry leading accuracy (90% and 96%, respectively).
To watch how simple it is for a counterparty to use the Portal, click the video to see it in action:
Designed to make it all as simple as possible.
Simple to Sign Up
CreditRiskMonitor® subscribers can sign up to use this new portal by contacting their dedicated Account Manager. If you have questions, reach out to them or call 845.230.3000 to get started.
Invitation Process
Submit an online request and we will invite your counterparty to share their financials through our confidential, secure, and controlled interface.
Simple Counterparty Portal Access
Your counterparty will receive credentials and instructions to access the Confidential Financials Portal which includes controls allowing them to specifically select which requestors are approved to receive their processed report.
It’s as easy as 1-2-3! Your counterparty will:
Log onto our subscriber site.
Click on “Manage Confidential Financials” on their company’s report page.
Follow three steps to enter, process and securely publish their financials. Quick, convenient and safe!
The financial information entered through the Portal is kept secured and confidential, and is shared only with those whom your counterparties explicitly indicate. We adhere to all relevant data privacy laws.