Proven accuracy
Our proprietary, nonlinear, AI/ML-driven scores have the highest predictive accuracy for business failure in the market.
FRISK® Score
- 96% bankruptcy capture rate for publics
- 90% for privates
PAYCE® Score
- 90% bankruptcy capture rate for privates
These credit models assess company bankruptcy risk daily, looking forward over a 12-month period, with a successful capture considered to provide at least three months of advanced warning.
In contrast, the DBT Index/Payment Behavior Score (similar to Dun & Bradstreet's PAYDEX® Score) and predominantly based on only trade payment data has a median capture rate of 66% for public companies.
In the world of financial risk analysis, there’s room for both predictive intelligence scores and descriptive historical summaries. Yet what we always stress to our clients is that to avoid the most terrible blows levied by bankruptcy, the predictive approaches carry much more meaning.