Toys “R” Us filed for bankruptcy right before the holiday season in 2017 as suppliers began to restrict access to trade credit, setting in motion a liquidity crunch.
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

The high-profile implosion of China’s largest property developer, China Evergrande Group, with 2.4 trillion RMB in total assets has snapped to the attention of financial risk evaluators worldwide.

There's no end in sight to the carnage COVID-19 is rendering in the retail sector. Public and private company bankruptcies in this industry are piling up as 2020 embarks into Q4.

The fall of car rental giant Hertz Global Holdings, Inc. proves the point that the health of an entire supply chain, from raw material harvesting to finished products, is critical to understand relative to assessing bankruptcy risk potential.

The Russia/Ukraine conflict has pushed oil prices above $100 USD per barrel, further impacting the profitability, or lack thereof, of the airline industry. We identify airlines most at risk of bankruptcy.

Roadrunner Transportation Systems, Inc., a large U.S. domestic trucking company, has been highlighted as a financial risk by CreditRiskMonitor’s proprietary subscriber crowdsourcing.

For J. C. Penney Company, Inc., CreditRiskMonitor's proprietary subscriber crowdsourcing is indicating negative sentiment and matches the high-risk assessment of the retail giant provided by the FRISK® score.

If you work in the volatile oil and gas industry, not a single day should go by where you do not have a read on corporate credit risk. It could save your company millions in the long run.

CreditRiskMonitor® offers up five quick and important facts that you needed to know about now-bankrupt Rite Aid Corporation to have made a more solid business evaluation – or, more advisable, an alteration of credit extension or a pivot to a peer.