Metallurgical and thermal coal producer Contura Energy Inc. emerged from Chapter 11 in late 2018. Two years later, challenges presented by COVID-19 might soon put the company back into bankruptcy court.
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.
Canadian metal miner Taseko Mines Limited is quickly losing its luster with persistently weak financials. Can the company dig itself out of debt? We're skeptical.
We have a problem: Houston-based oilfield services company Nine Energy Service, Inc. recently completed a distress exchange and faces headwinds from constrained capital spending among upstream operators.
Cash-strapped home goods retailer Bed Bath & Beyond is now bankrupt, capping one of the craziest documented descents into Chapter 11 seen by our clients in some time.
Bellatrix Exploration Ltd., an oil & gas giant based in the Canadian Rockies, is battling mountainous debt obligations and interest payments.
Bankruptcy has come for Tuesday Morning Corporation, the once-popular off-price retailer that buckled after lenders put the kibosh on the company’s ability to borrow additional money to finance operations.
Trouble Down Under? Metal mining equipment and services operator Boart Longyear Limited filed a Chapter 15 bankruptcy petition to gain recognition of its Scheme of Arrangement proceeding with primary interests in Australia.
Will massive accrued debts soon take Salem Media Group, Inc. off the air and into bankruptcy court? If you want the lowdown on the financial peril this major media conglomerate is facing, tune into this High Risk Report.
Time is running out for health retailer GNC Holdings, Inc. to shape up. The popular house of nutrition is suffering mightily under the weight of debt.