CreditRiskMonitor’s assessment of the U.S./Canadian E&P industry reveals that about two-thirds of operators are financially distressed and have higher-than-average risk of bankruptcy.
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

When the FRISK® score becomes your go-to metric for financial risk analysis, incredibly accurate (read: good) adjustments follow.

While risk analysis professionals may be tempted to use the statistical FRISK® score as a component within a different model, such as one that is rules-based, doing so may generate suboptimal results.

Thermal coal seller Cloud Peak Energy, Inc. is under intense, increasing financial stress as highlighted by our proprietary FRISK® score.

Certain residential homebuilders are performing adequately, like PulteGroup, Inc., while others like Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. remain severely exposed to credit risk.

When something stinks with public companies, we know best. The fertilizer market in both China and India are both rife with odious companies at heightened risk of bankruptcy.

Some big names filed for bankruptcy in 2017, and they all had a few key common indicators. Read our analysis and findings here.

Australia’s previously stable economy is exhibiting an increase in risk due to a number of factors like a retail sales decline and slowing in its overheated housing market.

CreditRiskMonitor offers up five quick and important facts that you needed to know about now-bankrupt Yellow Corporation to have made a more solid business evaluation – or, more advisable, an alteration of credit extension or a pivot to a peer.