Amazon’s push into the prescription delivery market along with COVID-19 have had varying impacts on retail pharmacies. For merchandise vendors selling to Rite Aid Corporation, now is the time to evaluate risk exposure.
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Deep cracks are surfacing in global corporate debt markets. The timing of corporate bankruptcies is always difficult to predict, yet FRISK® score trends show that the odds of a bankruptcy wave have measurably increased.

Ferrellgas Partners, L.P. is a good example of what to look for as a financial counterparty spirals toward bankruptcy, seeking out court protections.

The FRISK® score downgraded retailers and restaurants in February and March following the market sell-off stemming from coronavirus.

Based on Neiman Marcus Group LTD LLC’s bottom-rung FRISK® score of “1,” trade creditors must perform deep financial analysis and take extra care when dealing with the company.

Solar panel demand in China is estimated to fall by approximately one-third in 2018, weakening the profitability of manufacturers and putting distressed operators like Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited in greater peril.

Supplier financial risk in China calls for increased scrutiny. Now is the time to proactively leverage tools like the FRISK® score to conduct objective audits of your prospective and existing suppliers as supply chains restructure.

With concerns surrounding China’s economy and the sharp decline in the Baltic Dry Index, risk professionals should be vigilant in monitoring the changing conditions in the shipping industry.

India is an attractive market to penetrate due to its low operating costs and a diverse selection of companies in hot industries like technology - but with more than 1,000 public companies in the FRISK® "red zone," there's big-time risk in bringing business east.