CreditRiskMonitor reported that operating revenues of $18 million, an increase of approximately $1 million or 5%, for the year ended December 31, 2022, as compared to 2021.
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CreditRiskMonitor reported operating revenues of $4.6 million, an increase of approximately $253 thousand or 6%, for the three months ended March 31, 2023, as compared to the first quarter of fiscal 2022.

CreditRiskMonitor and Allianz Trade, the world’s leading trade credit insurer, are pleased to announce the approval of CreditRiskMonitor as a Discretionary Credit Limit (DCL) report provider in the U.S.

CreditRiskMonitor today announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Jennifer Gerold as Chief Financial Officer and David Reiner as Chief Accounting Officer, effective May 23, 2024.

In preparation of future bankruptcies, credit professionals are using CreditRiskMonitor’s Credit Limit Ranges solution for automated monitoring on the size of credit lines.

Public and private companies need to be proactively evaluated in distinct, different ways by risk management professionals - fortunately, with the FRISK® score and PAYCE® score, CreditRiskMonitor has world-class solutions for both subportfolios.

Retailers left and right exited stage left and into bankruptcy this summer. CreditRiskMonitor has the read on a few potential industry giants who might not survive to see 2021.

There's no end in sight to the carnage COVID-19 is rendering in the retail sector. Public and private company bankruptcies in this industry are piling up as 2020 embarks into Q4.

CreditRiskMonitor’s FRISK® Stress Index shows elevated financial risk within the global steel manufacturing industry, including big-time players in Schmolz + Bickenbach and ArcelorMittal.