Major drug manufacturers Mallinckrodt plc and Endo International plc are financially distressed due to elevated debt and product-related risks. If your company is doing business with these manufacturers, you should evaluate your risk exposure and perform further research.
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

A supplier network fraying at the edges can eventually break down into a full-blown disruptive crisis. With global debt soaring, daily bankruptcy risk evaluation is a must.

In a highly interconnected world, large financially distressed companies like Spain's Obrascon Huarte Lain can pose far-reaching risks.

Optimal assessment of public company bankruptcy risk requires the balanced, holistic analysis provided by the FRISK® score.

A dormant debt powder keg ignited in 2023; as bankruptcies continue to explode in 2024, risk professionals must set into motion a multi-faceted approach to financial risk evaluation.

CreditRiskMonitor’s FRISK® Stress Index shows elevated financial risk within the global steel manufacturing industry, including big-time players in Schmolz + Bickenbach and ArcelorMittal.

Central banks worldwide are suppressing borrowing rates to accommodate credit markets, trying to alleviate financial pressures on corporations. This is creating a surge of "zombie companies," or firms that are staying alive in spite of their inability to service interest expenses.

Sanctions have delivered significant financial stress to the Russian government and corporations alike. Overall, many Russian companies have dropped into – or have sunk further down into – the FRISK® score red zone, indicating heightened financial stress and corporate failure risk.

Public company financial risk is higher than it has ever been, and the weakest links in your supply chain may lead to costly, time-consuming problems.