Some big names filed for bankruptcy in 2017, and they all had a few key common indicators. Read our analysis and findings here.
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

Keep your brains about you: if it looks like a zombie, acts like a zombie, and reports like a zombie, it is probably a zombie.

The COVID-19 pandemic swiftly delivered hundreds of bankruptcy filings in 2020. Here in 2022, geopolitical tensions, supply chain challenges, and tightening credit conditions could lead to a similar devastating outcome.

Knowledge of how and when to react to a business defaulting is essential; cutting ties with a customer or supplier too soon could lead to a missed sales opportunity, while being too late can result in financial loss.

In the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine nearly one year ago, we note how companies in 2023 must implement sound sourcing strategies that account for sanctions, country, and financial risk to mitigate future disruptions.

Solar panel demand in China is estimated to fall by approximately one-third in 2018, weakening the profitability of manufacturers and putting distressed operators like Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited in greater peril.

The media and financial institutions, including the Federal Reserve, underreport the proliferation of zombie firms, a frightening reality you must not ignore. Learn how you can use the FRISK® score and other CreditRiskMonitor report features to protect your company from bankruptcy-prone zombies.

The FRISK® score cuts through the “Cloaking Effect” by identifying financially stressed companies with a differentiated and proprietary method that doesn't rely on payment history.

Thomas Cook and Virgin Australia, two massive airliners, have filed bankruptcy. Could American Airlines be next?