Economic reopening and depressed worldwide rig counts have led to energy prices heading back in a positive direction. Yet this recovery hasn't resulted in an equal improvement throughout the energy patch.
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

The senior housing industry reported a significant share of the coronavirus illness cases, causing a collapse in occupancy. A considerable population decline in assisted living facilities could deliver a slew of corporate bankruptcies in the coming year.

Amazon’s push into the prescription delivery market along with COVID-19 have had varying impacts on retail pharmacies. For merchandise vendors selling to Rite Aid Corporation, now is the time to evaluate risk exposure.

The FRISK® score downgraded retailers and restaurants in February and March following the market sell-off stemming from coronavirus.

Business at casinos and resorts has picked up following an easing of travel restrictions after COVID-19, yet operators worldwide continue to be tested by steep fixed cost structures and debt-loaded balance sheets.

Deep cracks are surfacing in global corporate debt markets. The timing of corporate bankruptcies is always difficult to predict, yet FRISK® score trends show that the odds of a bankruptcy wave have measurably increased.

CreditRiskMonitor offers up five quick and important facts that you need to know about SAS AB right now to make a more solid business evaluation – or, more advisable, even an alteration of credit extension or a pivot to a peer.

The fall of car rental giant Hertz Global Holdings, Inc. proves the point that the health of an entire supply chain, from raw material harvesting to finished products, is critical to understand relative to assessing bankruptcy risk potential.

It’s just not working out: the coronavirus pandemic is forcing the hand of financially weak American fitness operations to pursue bankruptcy, with many involving permanent location closures.