Blog Post

With more than 1,000 Chinese businesses already facing global sanctions, supply chains are rapidly reorganizing supplier footprints due to severe country-related business risks.

High Risk Report

Bed Bath and Beyond all hope of a turnaround? Declining net sales and growing operating and net losses have a mighty retailer on its heels. Bankruptcy could very well be nearing.

Bankruptcy Case Study

Irish pharmaceutical company Endo International plc struggled underneath an onerous $8 billion debt load before their eventual bankruptcy filing in the U.S.

White Paper

Corporate debt has become the riskiest area of the global economy, producing an army of zombie companies worldwide. Revlon, Inc.'s fall from grace might present the most evident cautionary tale for suppliers and unsecured creditors to take action on companies with an annualized interest coverage ratio of 1 or less.

Blog Post

In 2022, end users are leveraging CreditRiskMonitor’s API to improve workflow efficiency, and communicate reliable, reputable data across their entire teams. This scalable data provides automation for company evaluations to improve credit reviews, cash collections, and minimize receivable write-downs.

Bankruptcy Case Study

American cosmetics giant Revlon, Inc. hit bankruptcy after years of poor C-Suite stewardship and a seemingly all-or-nothing bet on the perpetual survival of brick-and-mortar department stores. We investigate a long descent into Chapter 11.

Blog Post

Sanctions have delivered significant financial stress to the Russian government and corporations alike. Overall, many Russian companies have dropped into – or have sunk further down into – the FRISK® score red zone, indicating heightened financial stress and corporate failure risk.

High Risk Report

Out of order: banking and retail solutions provider Diebold Nixdorf, Inc. is experiencing a cash crunch due to elevated costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia/Ukraine conflict. Can the company avoid bankruptcy?

Blog Post

The media and financial institutions, including the Federal Reserve, underreport the proliferation of zombie firms, a frightening reality you must not ignore. Learn how you can use the FRISK® score and other CreditRiskMonitor report features to protect your company from bankruptcy-prone zombies.

Blog Post

With inflation running hot, the U.S. Federal Reserve has embarked on a rate hike agenda. Financially weak companies with material near-term maturities are struggling and, in some cases, bankruptcy could be imminent.