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What if you knew that our company saves clients an incredible amount of time and money with more accurate – and thereby useful – private company risk solutions compared to Dun & Bradstreet?


CreditRiskMonitor's President & COO Michael Flum and Sr. VP of Data Science Dr. Camilo Gomez take a look back at the volatile year that was in 2020 and how the FRISK® score was instrumental in making financial risk evaluators aware of potential bankruptcies far earlier than by using other models.

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Supplier financial risk is the source of many recurring, prolonged, and unanticipated supply chain issues that can otherwise be prevented or mitigated - if you're willing to ask a few pertinent questions.


CreditRiskMonitor delivers a highly accurate gauge on U.S. public company bankruptcy risk. In 2020, out of 85 occurrences of bankruptcy, our proprietary FRISK® score only missed predicting two bankruptcies. That amounts to a 97% rate of success during that time.


Leveraging AI for accurate private company bankruptcy risk assessment, we were successful in predicting 79% of bankruptcies in 2020 with the PAYCE® score.

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Our give-to-get proposition involves you contributing trade every month and we provide free and unlimited access to our entire collection of trade data, covering millions of companies and trillions of dollars of annual receivables.

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There's no end in sight to the carnage COVID-19 is rendering in the retail sector. Public and private company bankruptcies in this industry are piling up as 2020 embarks into Q4.

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Retailers left and right exited stage left and into bankruptcy this summer. CreditRiskMonitor has the read on a few potential industry giants who might not survive to see 2021.

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Apparel retailers have required significant adjustments to handle their financial leverage and operating lease commitments. Brooks Brothers and Tailored Brands, in particular, fell prey to slowing demand for professional business attire, a trend which was accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic.


Leveraging AI for accurate private company bankruptcy risk assessment, we were successful in predicting 80% of bankruptcies in the first half of 2020 with the PAYCE® score.