Bankruptcy Case Study

Shipping company Rand Logistics, Inc., drowned in a proverbial sea of debt in the months leading up to their January 2018 bankruptcy.

White Paper

Read in-depth how crowdsourcing the wisdom of our uniquely positioned subscribers has enabled a significant enhancement of the CreditRiskMonitor FRISK® score, more accurately predicting corporate financial stress.

White Paper

Read this in-depth white paper to learn more about CreditRiskMonitor's proprietary FRISK® score, how it works and why it's so accurate.

Bankruptcy Case Study

Real Industry, Inc., suffered from costly debt financing, their risk further spotlighted by crowdsourced data harvested from credit managers.

Blog Post
Blog Post

The FRISK® score is a game-changing tool that combines several key inputs to assess bankruptcy risk. Here’s how bond agency ratings play a role.

Blog Post

The FRISK® score is a game-changing tool that combines several key inputs to assess bankruptcy risk. Here’s how financial ratios play a role.

Blog Post

The FRISK® score is a game-changing tool that combines several key inputs to assess bankruptcy risk. The first of a five-part look at these inputs, here’s how the stock market plays a role.