Our subscribers have been wired into the potential for bankruptcy in Exela Technologies, Inc. This may be your last chance to review them and make a strong, proactive financial risk decision.
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

The coronavirus has reignited challenges for Contura Energy, Inc. and for the coal industry in general, with the price of coal dropping towards multi-year lows.

If a premium grocery chain like Whole Foods can experience a multi-month SKU disaster, chances are that it can happen to your company too. Evaluate the financial health of your supply chain, see which vendors are most at risk of failure, and take the necessary steps to safeguard against them.

CreditRiskMonitor warned of the increased bankruptcy risk at newspaper owner McClatchy Company for more than a year before their Chapter 11 filing in February 2020. Yet McClatchy Company is not an isolated case and risk professionals should be monitoring other news provider outlets closely.

CreditRiskMonitor’s integration of subscriber crowdsourcing into the FRISK® score continues to prove itself as a unique enhancement, unavailable in any other bankruptcy prediction model. Recently, the "Virtual Credit Group" highlighted the elevated risk of coal miners Peabody Energy Corporation and Alpha Metallurgical Resources Inc.

The decline and demise of oil services giant McDermott International, Inc. was missed by many due to an unwise reliance on trade payment data analysis. When it comes to public companies and bankruptcy prediction, payment data doesn't work.

CreditRiskMonitor’s FRISK® Stress Index today shows that the retail industry in the United States is experiencing near-record financial stress.

The COVID-19 pandemic swiftly delivered hundreds of bankruptcy filings in 2020. Here in 2022, geopolitical tensions, supply chain challenges, and tightening credit conditions could lead to a similar devastating outcome.

Keep your brains about you: if it looks like a zombie, acts like a zombie, and reports like a zombie, it is probably a zombie.