Retailers left and right exited stage left and into bankruptcy this summer. CreditRiskMonitor has the read on a few potential industry giants who might not survive to see 2021.
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

Looking to China in a COVID-19 age, creditors may soon start forcing several high-profile companies into legal proceedings commensurate with corporate failure.

Unless there is a rapid economic recovery, more retailers are going to go the way of J. C. Penney, Pier 1 Imports, Neiman Marcus and J.Crew. That is: bankruptcy.

Property development represents about 30% of China’s GDP. Ongoing defaults could eventually convert into bankruptcy filings that would shake up the industry - and subsequently rock markets in the West.

In a pandemic period when major public company bankruptcies are hitting hard daily, reliance on payment performance and/or financial statement analysis provides a whole new slew of dangers.

Deep cracks are surfacing in global corporate debt markets. The timing of corporate bankruptcies is always difficult to predict, yet FRISK® score trends show that the odds of a bankruptcy wave have measurably increased.

A look at our FRISK® Stress Index shows that there are more than 30 large-scale public companies within the restaurant industry at heightened risk of bankruptcy in 2019.

Here's a list of the 10 largest energy industry failures since 2013, as well as some of the riskiest companies that CreditRiskMonitor covers today. These companies should be watched closely as the current oil and natural gas price cycle continues to run its course.