Subscriber crowdsourcing data has highlighted J. C. Penney Company, Inc.’s bleak financial position, and users can affirm this through its low FRISK® score.
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

A recent high-profile bankruptcy within telecom provides a golden example of how reliance on payment data in assessing risk within public companies is foolhardy.

Real Industry, Inc., suffered from costly debt financing, their risk further spotlighted by crowdsourced data harvested from credit managers.

Inbound Logistics' Sandra Beckwith cites CreditRiskMonitor as a power user of crowdsourcing throughout the supply chain—from product design to final-mile delivery—to better assess risk.

Rex Energy Corporation's elevated bankruptcy risk is being highlighted by subscriber crowdsourcing and its bottom-rung FRISK® score.

Denbury Resources’ high risk status was determined by multiple factors, including subscriber crowdsourcing, which is proprietary information collected and used by CreditRiskMonitor.

WeWork Inc. continues to expand its network and carries some untapped funding sources, but has not proved that it can control its cash burn. Crowdsourced subscriber sentiment is signaling to the FRISK® score that bankruptcy could be in the cards in the coming months.

Roadrunner Transportation Systems, Inc. generates more than $2 billion in annual sales – yet in a growing trucking industry, CreditRiskMonitor subscriber crowdsourcing provides us a key warning signal that the company may be headed towards a breakdown.

Stop the presses: U.S. printing mainstay Cenveo, Inc. met bankruptcy in early 2018. Our subscribers were well aware of Cenveo's troubles for more than a year, however, thanks to the FRISK® score and our crowdsourced behavioral data.