The end credits could roll on Cineworld Group, the parent company of several large movie theater chains including Regal Entertainment Group. Will COVID-19 ultimately annihilate the industry?
Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

Major discount retailer, Big Lots, Inc. filed for bankruptcy on September 9, 2024. Importantly, both payment-based (DBT Index) and financial-only based models (Z’’-Score) failed to warn about this company’s bankruptcy risk. Conversely, the FRISK® Score provided warning for more than a year, enabling clients to mitigate their trade credit exposure.

Once you take a look at the FRISK® score, we'll bet you'll think twice about the gamble of extending credit to a company like Greek gaming giant Intralot Integrated Lottery.

Online automotive retailer Carvana is rapidly burning through cash and sought out private equity financing as banks were unwilling to carry the risk. Before you extend credit, you may want to pump the brakes.

Alas, bankruptcy was the best fit for Sequential Brands Group, Inc., owner of Jessica Simpson, Joe's Jeans, And1, Avia, and other apparel brands. The company filed for Chapter 11 protection after failing to comply with the amended credit agreement.

When the soda machine eats your money, you get frustrated. When a machine vendor like Frigoglass S.A. racks up major debt, creditors must adjust fast before the machine gobbles up millions in extended credit, never repaid in full.

CreditRiskMonitor recently interviewed Patrick Spargur, an experienced commercial debt collections executive, and former credit manager, on the economic downturn and relevant credit industry best practices to use in this challenging environment., Inc. (OTCQX: CRMZ) reported revenues of $19.8 million, an increase of approximately $878 thousand or 5%, for the year ended December 31, 2024, as compared to 2023.