Stay ahead of public company risk with our bankruptcy case studies, high risk reports, blogs and more.

With escalating geopolitical tensions and heavy sanctions hitting Russia and China, corporations are sourcing alternative suppliers from other countries.

India is an attractive market to penetrate due to its low operating costs and a diverse selection of companies in hot industries like technology - but with more than 1,000 public companies in the FRISK® "red zone," there's big-time risk in bringing business east.

Optimal assessment of public company bankruptcy risk requires the balanced, holistic analysis provided by the FRISK® score.

For Apple, providing capital support to its supply chain is an option, but for most companies bailing out critical suppliers is not financially feasible, let alone an option on the table. Is your supply chain secure?

SupplyChainMonitor provides vendor risk assessment and the uncovering of growth opportunities in complex supply chains. EV batteries are just one example.

You may have heard: the global supply chain is broken. Shipping delays and congested seaports have tripled container freight rates worldwide. We take a look at retail trade businesses with the highest risk potential.

The offshore oil and gas market remains widely depressed. Troubled outfit Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc. has fallen to a FRISK® score of “1,” which indicates severe financial distress.