CreditRiskMonitor today announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Jennifer Gerold as Chief Financial Officer and David Reiner as Chief Accounting Officer, effective May 23, 2024.
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German-based manufacturer SGL Carbon SE provides carbon fiber materials to various end markets of automotive, wind energy, and aerospace. Despite customers steadily recovering, the company continues to struggle with thin margins and high leverage.

Adeptus Health recently filed for bankruptcy and creditors may have missed the early warning signs. Adeptus Health's FRISK® score, however, caught the trouble as it signaled increasing financial risk over the last twelve months. Even more concerning, there are several other operators in this space currently receiving a similar high-risk assessment.

Caviar dreams, bankruptcy reality? Large-scale luxury automobile dealership, China Zhengtong, is dealing with acute refinancing risk challenges and looming debt maturities.

The "retail apocalypse" rages on in the United States, as department store The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. filed for bankruptcy in February 2018.

Denbury Resources’ high risk status was determined by multiple factors, including subscriber crowdsourcing, which is proprietary information collected and used by CreditRiskMonitor.

They paid their bills on time right up until the day they filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. If you're in oil & gas, spotting risk within Sanchez Energy Corporation would have required deeper drilling.